Times are changing fast. We conducted market surveys in every key markets in Asia, in North America, and in Europe....
Amazon provided information on Amazon Managed Blockchain and Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB) . Amazon does seem to be moving...
60% of stakeholders worldwide consider the environmental impact of blockchains is important (or very important). On the contrary, only 20%...
As consumer behaviors shift towards greener and more sustainable products due to climate change awareness, companies are increasingly looking to...
Alors que les comportements des consommateurs évoluent vers des produits plus écologiques et plus durables en raison de la prise...
60% des parties prenantes dans le monde considèrent que l’impact environnemental des blockchains est important (ou très important). Au contraire,...
Blockchain is not an immature technology anymore, leading international enterprises are piloting applications built using blockchain technology and enterprise investments...
European Green Deal Plan The European Union has announced, in March, a new bundle of sustainability-focused policy proposals that will...
60% of stakeholders worldwide consider the environmental impact of blockchains is important (or very important). On the contrary, only 20%...
Ces deux technologies sont actuellement dans leur “pic d’attentes exagérées” et il est très probable qu’il leur faudra encore “5...
Parmi les dernières propositions qui s’inscrivent dans le cadre du “Green Deal” de l’UE figure une idée intéressante de passeport...
Both of these technologies are currently in their “peak of inflated expectations” while both are projected to highly likely require...