David BECK analyse les enjeux sociétaux et politiques au travers des technologies et de la consommation

About David BECK

His professional experience is built around a dual background: academic and non-academic. Read in French

David BECK co-founded a research institute, which he directed for fifteen years. He worked on the international development of our clients in the luxury goods, agri-food and wine sectors.

David BECK continues to work with French vineyards on the technological aspects of the industry. David BECK writes articles on emerging technologies and the wine business industry.

Contributor to the French government publications

David BECK has written publications and book chapters for the French agency Business France. He has written sector reports for the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong.

Contact David

Geoeconomics, Technology, and Society

David BECK has been a contributor to government publications for Business France. He has written reports for the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong.

He specializes in geopolitics, social sciences and technology. David BECK is a political science school admissions jury panel and a business school master’s thesis tutor.

Tech specializations: AI, Blockchain, Cyber

He teaches “AI, digital and societal change” at the school of political science of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Internationales et Politiques (HEIP). David BECK teaches “AI perspectives” at Alyra, “the use of blockchain” at Lyon 3 University, and “Cyber Consulting” at Ecole Centrale (ECE).

Conferences and round tables

David BECK is also an AI and blockchain expert for a wine industry association. He has written nearly 500 articles on these subjects and has been invited to speak at conferences and round tables.

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